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Journey Limited, Newtown House, Newtown Road, Henley on Thames. RG9 1HG
01491 410768
Website briefing questionnaire – this is just the start…
Welcome to the initial discovery phase of your new website.
A scoping document is never a wasted effort, focussing the mind on what’s required from the outset, giving us a broad overview of the scope of the project. A good brief is vital for the success of a website, so we’re on the right track from the beginning.
Creating a website with Journey – The Process
Creating a new web site or updating an existing one can be a scary prospect for many.
With Journey you are in safe hands. We understand the importance of our clients’ websites. Your web project requires time and input, especially from senior stakeholders in your organisation, so an understanding of what is required from the outset is paramount.
Branding questionnaire – what’s so special about you?
Welcome to the discovery phase of your brand identity development.
A brand exercise is never a wasted effort in business and is crucial to revealing what is unique, critical and valuable about your company. A good brief is vital for the success of an identity project, without it we can just end up shooting in the dark to find the right solution.
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