Specialist Insurance Solicitors
Fenchurch Law
“We’ve been working with Journey from almost the very start of our own business journey. When they created our second ever website in 2012 we were still finding our feet as a new law firm, and forming our identity. The work that Journey did on that website, and on the two further ones that they’ve created for us since then, gave as so much more value than just the sites themselves. Each time the process was a key part of helping us to understand how we wanted to differentiate ourselves from our competitors, and how we could do more to add value to our clients and referrers. We now have a national and international reputation as leaders in our highly specialist field, and I’m not sure we’d have been able to achieve that without Journey. They’re great at what they do and, just as importantly, they’re a lot of fun to work with.”
About Fenchurch Law
Fenchurch Law is one of the top firms in the insurance litigation sector. Only a few years young they are already ranked in Chambers and in the Legal 500. They are revered by their peers and their customers (insurance policy holders having trouble making a claim) and feared by insurance companies. Their success has meant they have grown up rapidly and they’ve worked with Journey for most of that time.
How we helped
With a conference on the horizon, there was a need for an exhibition stand and a shiny new web site at break neck speed – we delivered on both counts and to tremendous applause.

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