Introducing Shitterstock. As the nation, in fact the world comes to terms with a global shortage of loo roll, there is a real opportunity for businesses to capitalise on this trend and use toilet humour to market their products. So to help you on your way, we’re giving you a seemingly bottomless pit of loos. We’re trying to flush out mediocre marketing and replace it with all the good shit, we’re hoping you can help us.

Same shit, different day. As we’re in lockdown, you could be forgiven for feeling like it’s Groundhog day. But at Journey it’s far from that, so we thought we’d use today, of all days, to help raise some money for our NHS heroes and their families.

Win a year’s supply of loo roll – and support our NHS heroes and their families!
That’s right – it’s rarer than hen’s teeth but we’ve managed to panic buy our way to a year’s supply of bog roll and we’re ready to give it all away. Simply register your details below and we’ll put you in the prize draw (see terms and conditions below). And for every entry we’ll make a donation to support a party for NHS frontline care workers and their families in Henley and the surrounding area. If you’d like to make an extra donation, you can do so here.

Terms and conditions

You’re kidding us right, are you ACTUALLY reading this? Ok, well we’re sorry, there’s no easy way to put this but if you’ve got as far as reading the Terms & Conditions then we think you need might need to get out more BUT NOT NOW – wait until it’s safe. Right now, you need to #StayHome #StaySafe #ProtectTheNHS. We’re sorry to confirm that as part of this April fool’s joke, we lied about the stash of loo roll – but we WILL be making a donation for everyone that registers to support a party for our NHS heroes – so please do enter anyway and we’ll keep in touch.

And when we’re not playing the April Fools, here’s what we usually get up to..


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