We’re excited to announce that we have created two new positions at Journey HQ.

If you’re looking for a change in direction, want to work with a small, fun and creative team then we may have the role for you. We’re looking for a Middleweight Graphic Designer and a Digital Marketing Executive to join our team. Of course we’ll want you to learn on the job, but we want to learn from you too, so don’t be afraid to bring new techniques, crazy ideas and the willingness to challenge and be challenged. Full details can be found clicking the link:
Middleweight Graphic Designer
Digital Marketing Executive

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Journey chosen to work with leading specialist architects, Carless + Adams

We’re really stoked to be working with specialist architecture practice, Carless + Adams. They specialise in the design of accommodation in the care sector and are gaining real momentum in the sector with a focus on the end user and care giver in everything they do. Journey will be working with the leadership team on developing the brand, positioning and tone of voice.

“What a lovely business. Carless + Adams are making a really positive difference to people’s lives and we’re really excited to be helping them articulate that to their audience and helping to identify more like-minded businesses for them to be working with. First up will be our first brand workshop delivered remotely – really looking forward to it” Jeremy Cuthbert, CEO, Journey Ltd

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A crap idea

We thought we’d have a little fun in what was otherwise a miserable April as we all came to terms with lockdown. So we launched a spoof image library specialising in photographs of lavs and calling it ‘shitterstock’! Ok, no prizes for creativity there, but we thought it was funny and we raised a few quid for charity too!

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Locked down, but not out

Unsurprisingly, given the slightly scary current situation, like the majority of the country we shall all be working remotely for the foreseeable future. Worry not though, we’re already prepared for remote working as we all enjoy it from time to time, so from an external perspective it is very much business as usual and we’re looking forward to hosting our first online workshop next month. Meanwhile we hope you all stay well and avoid the virus and hopefully see you (in person) soon!

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Making waves in media and IP law

We’re delighted to announce that we have been selected to work with Wiggin LLP helping them develop their brand and online presence. We’ll be collaborating with London agency MSL and we’re very much looking forward to working with them and sharing ideas. Wiggin are a top 100 law firm specialising in media, tech and IP working with some of the top organisations in their space.

“We’re delighted to be working with Wiggin and alongside MSL on this exciting project. Having worked in the professional services sector for over 10 years, we feel we’re well positioned to add real value to the strategy for businesses like Wiggin and we’re looking forward to seeing what we can do here”. Jeremy Cuthbert, Managing Director, Journey Ltd.

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In an age of mistrust, it’s never been more important to deliver on your promise

Your brand is your promise. It’s how you portray yourself through words and pictures so your customers know what to expect from you as a business. As the marketing communications for both B2B and B2C continue their style convergence, honesty has become the most valuable of brand commodities for ALL BUSINESSES and never has differentiation been more important.

Many can blame the large corporates for the growing lack of trust. Brands such as Facebook, Vodafone, most of the utilities companies, even Virgin who once upon a time set the blueprint for customer experience, have all lost sight of what honesty actually looks like. How many times are we lured in by the promise of great products only to be screaming down the phone 90 minutes into a call with the ‘customer service team’?

There are exceptions amongst the big boys and girls of course and there are many more finally realising that making and keeping a promise is the key to customer retention but there is more than one mountain to climb.

Step down a level to the exciting SME Space and many businesses are built on individual relationships backed up by great service. So as your business grows, how sure are you that the person at the front of the sales cycle isn’t making promises that the engine room can never achieve? Are you even aware of this problem? Or bothered? Well you should be, and here’s what you can do about it.

Long known as the fluffy stuff that people do to prettify logos, products and ads, I’m not going to pretend marketing is rocket science, although in the ever-growing digital age you can get some pretty darn hot metrics, but where I’m coming from, it is little more than common sense to put honesty at the heart of your offering and do your utmost to deliver on your promises. It sounds simple and it is, so long as you abide by some basic practices.

Get key stakeholder input into the proposition

Workshop with the key people in your business to identify exactly what your business is, where it is heading and most importantly why you’re doing what you do? It sounds trivial, but if you can articulate what’s great about your business and why someone should use you then you should be able to answer their next question – ‘So what?’

Identify the purpose and common values at the heart of your business that really count

This can feel like a big task but with the correct process in place to draw this information – they output is invaluable and should come from your epicentre and don’t shy away from being public with them.

Get a consistent tone of voice

I often hear “People buy people, and people are individuals who should be allowed to express themselves!” and I couldn’t agree more. However putting together a tone of voice document which sets out how you articulate yourselves, both in terms of what you are and what you stand for, helps your team understand the core message for them to deliver in their own unique style.

Share it, discuss it, revisit it, nurture it

If you have developed a tone of voice and messaging bible, it needs to be part of your on-boarding programme, and it also needs to be part of your evolving strategy. It should be an item on your agenda for management meetings and it should be a section in your business plan entitled ‘Are we still what we say we are’?

Most importantly – keep it simple

For a process to exist, it needs to be easy to adopt and even easier to execute. Keeping on top of how you speak to you customers should be at the very forefront of your agenda. Because from a consumer’s perspective, if you tell me what you’re going to do, then do it (preferably) with a smile, why am I going to go anywhere else?

At Journey, we run brand workshops to help businesses find their true voice and show them how to use it – consistently. If you want to learn how to create a tone of voice, a sales promise and provide the footprint for your sales and marketing strategy, then get in touch.

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Securing a great new look for Ascentor

We were delighted to be chosen back in April to work with Ascentor on developing their brand and web site, and we’re really pleased to see the launch of the new web site today, 8th October 2018.

Ascentor is a Cyber and Information Security Consultancy. They have achieved great success in recent years and needed their web site to reflect their position in the market and the evolution they’ve undergone.

Working with the key stakeholders, we were able to identify the uniqueness of the business and articulate it through carefully thought out design and use of key words. The outcome is a far more modern, up to date web site with three clear areas through which to lead their existing and target customers. It also truly sets them apart from their competitors.

We’re looking forward to rolling out the new look and feel with them over the coming months.

Case study to follow.

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Getting the party started

We’ve had great fun producing these tube ads for Notting Hill Carnival.

The ads were created to show Russell-Cooke’s support for the carnival for which they provide a range of legal advice to Carnival Village Trust Ltd and Notting Hill Carnival Ltd in relation to the 2018 carnival.

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Eton Bridge continues from strength to strength

We’ve loved working on the New Eton Bridge web site. Having designed their last web site, it was great to hear that the just needed a simple update rather than a completely new look as the old site was working so well.

After a couple of discovery meetings we set about working on where the improvements were needed and how we could achieve a better user experience without reinventing the wheel. With the overriding requirement that it just needed to reflect evolutionary changes within the business and comfortably display video. We helped produce and edit those too.

Early days results are showing a significant increase in in both traffic and dwell time.

What we said

“We really enjoyed working on this as there are so many contributor’s to the Eton Bridge web site and with an ever-growing team, we have been able to integrate some really attractive and user friendly elements to the site”.

Jeremy Cuthbert / Marketing Director / Journey

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B:More at Badgemore park and then some!

We’ve been working with the leadership team on a new brand at Badgemore park. The team at Badgemore has big ambitions for the site and our involvement has included the development of a new brand which can work across a number of areas of the club.

Journey’s B:More concept reflects the range of leisure facilities combined with what visitors and members can expect to get out of it.

“We have been delighted with the way Journey have guided Badgemore Park through a total rebranding exercise. They immediately put forward an exciting and clever concept for our re brand and have been efficient and creative in delivering brilliant enhancements to all the different media areas we use. The results have been immediate with long standing areas of the business already showing significant upturn. Equally important, Journey’s excellent guidance is helping to change the perception of what Badgemore Park is capable of delivering, not only in our existing businesses but perhaps more notably in new business areas and I’m sure this will have a positive influence on our success for many years to come.”

Jon Connell – Managing Director, Badgemore Park

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